2021.6.27 重看导剪版melodramatic music & film within film scenes are just a bit too long. Guy pursuing girl in most creepy ways possible (sneak videotape and then fantasies over it wtf) while feeling so entitled to get her; the reunion is achieve by stalking --- totally okay though because he's handsome amirite
逆风生长的蔷薇比温室之中的更加挺拔娇艳也许学几堂课的知识未必能改变这些姑娘在封建压迫之下命运滑滑滑板也不能强身健体但是一点一点的改变水必能穿石看完这个片我就想知道我能在哪里捐些钱给这些小姑娘捐一些滑板鞋穿着不合脚的鞋子学滑板看得让人心疼Update:看到最近针对女校的恐怖袭击郜林斯曼希望纪录片里的女孩平安education for all